Foundation training


LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a method for exploring and dealing with real issues and challenges in real time. A workshop with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method is not a training course you attend. LSP is a science-based process that draws on extensive research from the fields of business, organizational development, psychology and learning. It is also a facilitated process, and the results and sustainable impact of a workshop are directly tied to the quality of the facilitation. LSP requires a high quality of facilitation to deliver full value.

Our Foundation Training Program to become a certified facilitator of the method gives you the full and complete training necessary for you to master all aspects of the method and successfully implement the method. There is no additional training or certification required beyond this program.

The training is a 4 – day program, which teaches the participants the Core Process, the Application Techniques, and the supporting theories. Participants are also given an opportunity to design customized workshop using the method. Upon completion of the Foundation Training, the facilitator can design and facilitate workshops with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method. The 4 – day training program is both hands-on and minds-on, delivered in a fun and intense “leaning-in” atmosphere. Our approach is for the participants to experience first, and then reflect on that experience.

The facilitator training program is aimed at people with strong interest in facilitation. Prior experience with facilitation is not a pre-requisite. The program is appropriate for facilitators, team/project leaders, trainers, educators, learning and development specialists, consultants, coaches, educators, researchers as well as in-house trainers. As part of the training, participants receive the comprehensive facilitator manual and supplementary documentation. On-going support will also be provided subsequent to your training to ensure that you achieve success in designing and delivering workshops for end users and clients.

Click here for an overview of the training objectives and the content for the 4 days.

This is the essential facilitator training that will cover your needs for applying LSP broadly. For more detailed information about the training curriculum, the training process and cost please email the individual trainers.

Click here to view the latest schedule for our Foundation Training session.


This introduction is a 4 hour remote session giving you the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the method before you commit to a full Foundation Training.
Program description in English


Frequently asked questions about the Facilitator Training Program
Why does it take 4 days to become a proficient LSP facilitator
Download FAQ document with detailed Q & A


The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method at a Glance #7

Why does it take four days to become a proficient LEGO SERIOUS PLAY facilitator?

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method at a Glance #9

What is the real power of unlocking the unknown knowledge with the method?

The LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method at a Glance #10

What do people and organizations that use LEGO SERIOUS PLAY have in common?


Our facilitator training is a 4 – day program. Over the years we have explored, if it was possible to do it in less time. The results were negative. Trainees did not feel they were sufficiently prepared and equipped to apply LSP broadly and make relevant use of all components of the methodology.

Once you have completed your Foundation Training and gained some level of experience with the method we offer a range of facilitator development programs referred to as our Post Foundation Training Program.

These are half to one-day sessions and the general purpose is to maintain, further develop and sharpen the facilitator’s design and facilities skills with LSP and give more inspiration on how to apply the LSP method. Participation in the programs is exclusive to facilitators who have completed the Foundation Training under the Association of Master Trainers.

As a facilitator you will become part of a global community of LSP practitioners that support and inspire each other. The main categories of inspiration, sharing and support are:

For more details about the Post Foundation Training Support

What differentiates the Association’s facilitator training program from other programs offered?

To learn more about the history and background for this training program compared to other training program offering facilitator training please go to our FAQ section.


The founding members of the Association are Per Kristiansen and Robert Rasmussen. Both have been involved with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® since its very early days more than 18 years ago. They are referred to as Master Trainers in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method, not because they have been appointed by the LEGO Company, but because they historically developed the training programs and for a period of 9 years until 2010 ran the global facilitator training programs on behalf of the LEGO Company.


Privacy Policy


The Assocation of Master Trainers in the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method
Porcelænshaven 3N
2000 Frederiksberg
VAT: DK 35975527

Robert Rasmussen
Email: robert@seriousplay.training
Tel: +45 27642350

Per Kristiansen
Email: per@seriousplay.training
Tel: +4527111812