Michel Cloosterman
Michel Cloosterman lives in the Netherlands and started Bricks and Business BV in 2008.
Bricks and Business is an International acknowledged Training Institute, specialized in engaging people through innovative methods in the field of cultural development processes, strategy and brand development.
Before starting his company Michel worked in different companies as HR leader and lecturer. During his career as HR Leader he focused on creating development programs for leaders and middle management.
Michel started working with the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method in 2011, mostly in the areas of education, health and business. He focuses on concrete business solutions working with leaders and teams on strategic goal setting, team development, business model and service design. In 2016 he joined the Association of Master Trainers as one of their training mostly working in Europe.
Besides his activities as international trainer and facilitator, he is an executive coach, guest speaker and started for a publishing company.
Michel Cloosterman has a master’s degree in both History and International Labour Studies and on top finished a 2½ years program on one of the leading Dutch Business Schools.
contact info
Bricks and Business BV
Luitendaal 10
5346 XG oss
Phone: +31(0)653883635
contact michel
Currently we are twelve trainer-of-facilitator and 2 master trainers. All have extensive proven end-user experience have all gone through 3 – 4 years of “apprenticeship style” training to qualify as trainer-of-facilitator. All trainers are continuously being supervised and monitored for quality and consistency in delivery.
Contact information for each trainer under "TRAINER"
The Assocation of Master Trainers in the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY Method
Porcelænshaven 3N
2000 Frederiksberg
VAT: DK 35975527
Robert Rasmussen
Tel: +45 27642350
Per Kristiansen
Tel: +4527111812