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Systemic Constellations in LSP
February 19, 2020
Theoretical Foundations
Johan Koning
The meeting was a Lego Series Play Coffee Chat where participants shared models of their families and discussed systemic constellations. Johan explained the basic principles of systemic constellations and advised facilitators to observe and ask questions. He defines systemic constellation as a spatial representation of a system used to gain insight into symptoms, disbalance, and unconscious dynamics. Johan discusses the three basic principles of systemic constellation: binding, balance, and natural order and emphasizes the importance of balance in a system and how imbalance can lead to unhealthy dynamics Participants asked questions about non-judgmental questions for self-discovery and evaluating balance as a facilitator. Johan suggests questions that facilitators can ask themselves to stay out of their pitfalls and hold participants responsible for their own learning process. They also encourage facilitators to observe the behavior, position, and attitude of all participants to identify phenomena in the system.