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End-goal Focused Workshop Design
March 10, 2020
Application Techniques
Robert Rasmussen
The meeting discussed the importance of understanding the end goal and focusing on the output rather than the process in designing a workshop. Lego Serious Play was highlighted as a tool to help visualize and concretize the end goal. Participants were reminded to clarify the outcome and purpose of the workshop and to avoid blame games during the session. Robert discusses the importance of beginning with the end in mind and breaking habitual thinking in workshop design, focusing on the power of imagination and concretizing ideas through Lego Serious Play. Formulating workshop goals as the benefit for participants at the end is emphasized, rather than focusing on the process. Workshop design should be dictated by what needs to be unlocked in order to deliver the promised benefit to participants. Robert discusses the importance of understanding the client's problem and formulating a benefit statement for the workshop and advises against beginning goals with ""to"" and emphasizes the importance of formulating a clear benefit statement for the workshop. He emphasizes the importance of focusing on the output and describing it concretely and discusses the power of Lego Serious Play in helping people imagine a different outcome and shift their mentality towards output-oriented design, rather than problem-solving design.