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LSP for Assessment Centres – Case Presentation
August 25, 2020
Business Applications
Antonia Colasante
Participants shared their experiences using Lego Serious Play (LSP) in assessment centers, highlighting its advantages in revealing personal insights and emotional aspects. However, it was noted that LSP reports only focus on specific skills and are just one part of a larger assessment center process. Antonia shares a story about working with Cristiana Genta to conduct an assessment center for a global automotive company, dividing participants into groups and using LSP challenges to observe skills and company culture. She discusses the advantages of using LSP in assessment centers, including more qualitative discussions, emotional and personal insights, and increased belonging and commitment. Antonia concluded explaining that their LSP report was just one part of a larger assessment center process and only focused on specific skills, with individual feedback and emotional aspects not included. They did not know about other reports or results before conducting the LSP activity.