Bricks4Sanity – CC4ALL Pandemic Special
April 21, 2020
Application Techniques | Others
Robert Rasmussen and Per Kristiansen
Participants in the LSP Coffee Chat program discussed the upcoming book by Robert and Per, focusing on its direction, content, and potential titles. Speakers shared their models and ideas for the book, with a focus on rewiring thinking and unlocking knowledge using Lego Serious Play. Suggestions were made for adding case studies, creating a resource section, and using QR codes to link to video interviews.The group discussed potential titles, the importance of case studies, and the focus on transformations in organizations, teams, and individuals.
Per talks about their book and how it unleashes creative potential and touches on emotions and presents a rough table of contents for the book, including an intro, a case for rewiring, science, and implementation through Lego series play. Implementation will focus on application techniques for real-time strategy and scenario planning, with emphasis on providing an edge for trained facilitators. Robert explains that the book will focus on transformations in organizations, teams, and individuals, and mentions Lego serious play is a way of living with certain values.
Participants present model that includes guide points for strategy and accessing resources to improve success in business or work, describe how the new book includes case histories, concrete illustrations, and examples from the community to provide a more structured comprehension of LSP and its value, as well as post-foundation activities and integration with other tools, explain how the new book will help readers see around corners in a fast-paced world where understanding each other's actions is crucial to avoiding barriers.
The participants offer input on the titles and content, with some preferring the second title and others preferring the first for its broader scope beyond just business. Some also suggest adding the word ""leadership"" to the title. They discuss the importance of having cases in the book across a broad spread of industries and for both small and medium enterprises and corporates, as well as defining why LSP could help in rewiring. They also suggest swapping chapters 2 and 3 to start with the need for rewiring before introducing LSP basics.