Playing Emergence & the Past (AT6)
September 16, 2021
Application Techniques
Per Kristiansen
The meeting discussed the use of Lego bricks to explore mysteries around using AT6 and the development of simple guiding principles for strategy. The importance of managing energy and removing distractions during the process was emphasized, as well as the need to focus on what clients need and using play to get them there. The meeting ended with a round of building the AT6 value proposition and an open dialogue session.
Per focused on how to get closer to selling a product, starting from the history and purpose behind using AT7 and AT6 in the context of Lego's goals and challenges, and how come the development of simple guiding principles and their defining characteristics, including being open for interpretation and having transcendent meaning. Per explains how guiding principles relate to strategy, which can be categorized as inside-out or outside-in approaches and stable or unstable environments, introducing the real-time strategy for the Enterprise and the desire to intentionally create a pattern of decisions forming a strategy.
Per explains the process of playing emergence and how it leads to the development of a guiding principle. The most powerful result of playing emergence is seen as a shift in conversation and a deep space of communication.