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Surfing on the Art-Craft Continuum with LSP Facilitation
March 17, 2022
Theoretical Foundations
Per Kristiansen
The Coffee Chat program was created to facilitate learning circles and exchange experiences beyond standard applications. Per introduced the ""triangle"" model for understanding management as a practice, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness, and avoiding confusion between craft and art. Participants shared their thoughts on trusting the process, intuition, and having fun with art. Coffee Chat was created to create learning circles of expertise and exchange experiences beyond standard applications. Per introduces the ""triangle"" model for understanding management as a practice, consisting of science, craft, and art domains. The model is presented as a metaphor for understanding one's own practice and identifying areas for improvement. The triangle can be used as a set of pillars or a lens for self-reflection and understanding one's behavior in the room. Per discusses the similarities and differences between two groups' responses to a question, and how their craft and art can help with time management and group alignment. Per discusses the importance of balancing art and craft in facilitation, addressing inner voices and anxiety, and designing workshops for different types of people. He talks about the importance of being flexible during a workshop and adapting to unexpected situations or divergent participants.