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Playing with Landscapes (AT3)
October 26, 2022
Application Techniques
Per Kristiansen
Per discusses the concept of creating landscapes as a metaphor for mapping out information. He discusses the concept of landscaping and how it involves categorizing, clustering, and grouping entities to find strengths, weaknesses, or opportunities. The core process of landscaping is present in the 81 and helps find insights for confident solutions, but there are traps such as confusion, over structuring, and imprecise understanding that can lead to bad landscapes and murky insights. It's important to avoid these traps and take a step back when things are not clear. Per discusses the concept of truth and how it relates to a landscape, which can be contextual and time bound. He explains that distance is a versatile tool used for both process and insights in landscaping and can be designed by the facilitator or emerge from the participants. Per gives examples of different ways to use distance in landscaping, including force ranking and placing with parameters. He explains the difference between model AT2 (aligned understanding) and model AT3 (finding patterns between different things) using a cooking example.