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Integrating the 5 Bold Steps Vision Canvas and the LSP Method
January 17, 2024
Business Applications
Daniele Radici
The meeting discussed using Lego series play with canvas to capture the vision in a company. Daniele introduced the Vision Canvas tool and provided examples of how it can be used in practice. The importance of regularly revisiting and adjusting the vision was emphasized. Daniele discusses the importance of having a clear vision and introduces the Vision Canvas tool, which includes elements such as the vision statement, pillars, challenges, support, and bold steps. Daniele provides examples of how the Vision Canvas can be used in practice, including color coding and mapping out bold steps. The process and outcome of the LEGO SERIOUS PLAY method is 100% relevant in every step of the journey. The language used in the method is powerful and emotional, allowing for useful insights within organizations. Daniele explains that the length of time for workshops depends on the client's needs and emphasizes the importance of regularly revisiting and adjusting the vision.