LSP 1-on-1 – Special Development Session Follow-up
May 11, 2023
Application Techniques | Others
Robert Rasmussen
A group of 16 people from 16 countries discussed Lego Serious Play (LSP) in a one-on-one session, sharing models and stories. Participants shared the experiences using LSP in coaching and emphasized the importance of clear communication and exploring different perspectives. Robert poses a question for reflection on LSP and participants have three minutes to build a mode. Participants are encouraged to share their models and stories, and to listen to others. Otto discusses the importance of building together in a one on one session and encourages exploring different perspectives, while Tatiana struggles with balancing her experience as a facilitator with focusing on the other person in the session. Yen, George and Rawl. share their models and experiences using LSP in one-on-one sessions with clients, including breakthroughs in psychological safety and struggles with bridging the gap between ideas and action. Gabriella shares their breakthrough in using the tower exercise in coaching to train Lego building techniques and then move on to metaphors. Robert reflects on their development style and emphasizes the importance of being clear about which hat you are wearing when communicating with someone one-on-one, whether it be as a coach, facilitator, manager, mentor, or trainer.