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Using the Lego® Serious Play® Process with our Elders
by Darrell Cole | Mar 20, 2020 | Experience Exchange Blog | 2 comments
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Excellent, and nice to read. I’m actually creating a concept called Senior Play. One of my partners has a ‘building lab’ where she learns kids to program, where she has loads of original kits and also some other comparable toys (LaQ for example). We are thinking of bringing in elderly, or come up with a product to offer in senior citizens houses. The idea is to offer them the same experience as we offer kids and adults, not necesarilly LSP. We are convinced it might help stimulate brainfunctions to better deal with alzheimer, dementia, depression etc. Therefore we are in contact with the university to research that issue. To do so, we are also diving in ways to publicly fund this. I will send out an update when we have discovered benefits, and a good way of working.
That would be greatly appreciated, Wiro. I have no doubts about the impact that can be had for seniors working with these types of techniques. I think it would be double great if you could figure out a way to involve the children, too.
I cannot remember all of the members (maybe you are one of them) but there was a discussion group formed at the gathering in Billund for those interested in using LSP to work with the elderly. Many of the members were working with elders dealing with a range of cognitive challenges. If you are interested, I can connect you with the lead on that.
I realize that the examples of challenges you have given exist across all nations and now there may be one more to add to that list. I expect that many seniors will be suffering from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, having been isolated and having had friends/family taken from them by CoVid. There will likely be a role for your idea in helping with that, too.