Dear all
We are delighted to announce this year’s call for Pro-Bono Proposals. Well, technically, we announced it at the Global Community meeting in Billund, but we are happy to repeat it here.
The Pro Bono tradition actually started as an activity at an early Global Community meeting in Billund. We confirm it here to make the opportunity more widely available the call is now made global here on our community site
The overarching idea is to bring the power of the method into arenas where it is needed but not accessible.
In short, the requirements for proposal and project are:
· The Facilitator will donate their development and facilitation time
· The Facilitator will write and publish a Public blog and do a presentation at one or more community meetings. The presentations can be virtual or in person
· The Association will donate the material and the shipping
And the successful proposal is as a minimum characterized by:
· Using LSP with a non-traditional target group
· Using LSP to create solutions in fields where it is not normally used
· Bringing LSP to people who cannot afford it in normal circumstances, typically not-for-profit
When selecting the proposal, we will consider the above, as well the number of people impacted, how deep and sustainable the impact is (can be expected to be)
This year we are offering three” Pro-Bono packs”, each consisting of:
12 x Starter Kits or a number of Window Exploration Bags (to be defined)
1 x Identity and landscape kit
1 x Connections Kits
50 x Window Exploration Kits
You apply by mailing Per and Robert by March 1st. Our attention span dictates that proposals should not be longer than 500 words.
The chosen projects will be announced on this blog and at the Asian community meeting, here and in the Coffee Chat for All in June
Robert & Per